




来源:http://www.jfhntjbj.com/ 日期:2021-08-16 发布人:admin
The mechanical equipment of self loading mixer will inevitably have some faults in the process of long-term use. At this time, we need to clean up the mechanical soil residue. Then, let's learn more about the equipment and methods to clean the soil correctly.
1. Prepare the emergency drive hose, close the self loading mixer, and then remove the high-pressure oil pipe connector on the hydraulic motor.
2. Close the rescue vehicle, remove the high-pressure oil pipe of its hydraulic motor, and then use the emergency drive hose to connect it to the corresponding connector on the failed vehicle.
3. Start the rescue vehicle, move its control handle to the unloading position, and then unload the concrete from the failed vehicle.
4. After the completion of the emergency drive, remove the drive hose and restore the two vehicles to their original state.
5.在支撑辊和滚道之间放一个木楔,以控制搅拌筒的旋转。请务必注意安 全性;关闭发动机,然后松开液压马达的高压油管。搅拌筒可以自由旋转。
5. Place a wooden wedge between the support roll and the raceway to control the rotation of the mixing drum. Please pay attention to safety; Turn off the engine and loosen the high-pressure oil pipe of the hydraulic motor. The mixing drum can rotate freely.
6.控制搅拌桶的旋转,将维护孔转到底部,然后打开维护孔以清理桶中的混凝土。这时,必 须注意安 全性。排出混凝土后,将自上料搅拌车恢复到原始状态。
6. Control the rotation of the mixing drum, turn the maintenance hole to the bottom, and then open the maintenance hole to clean the concrete in the drum. At this time, we must pay attention to safety. After discharging the concrete, restore the self loading mixer to its original state.
Under normal circumstances, reasonable cleaning of soil slag from the use of loading mixer can well ensure the good operation performance of the equipment used. At the same time, in the actual construction operation, we also need to pay more attention to the operation of equipment, which can also avoid some unnecessary faults.
